
I read the news about Barack Obama's speech at the Hiroshima Memorial Park. After I took the class at English conversation school, I wrote a copy of entire speach of him. It took nearly 2 hours, I think. It'll probably appear in high school text book several years later and for decades on, so I bought another copy of newsletter and give it to my child.

In the speech, I cannot understand what the number of 60 million people is. Later I search the Internet, it seems the death toll of World Wide War II. I was apalled that nealy 3 percent of people of the entire world's population at the time killed in the war.

I've read a news article about Blizzard's Overwatch. I think the game itself seems like the real deal, and its trailer movies are fantastic. However, in the game, there seems two Japanese character. I can say someone subtly misunderstand Japanese culture, at least in the movie trailer. In the movie, there are two dragons flying in calicature art-like back ground, but it's taste is more likely Chinese. I'm afraid if American people misunderstand that that high quality caricature art has existed in Japanese old history...And 竜頭蛇尾, Dragon-Head-and-Snake-Tale. There's a slight chance that someone employs the word as some kind of joke, though, I think the meaning of the word is rather a negative word such like "bluff." Not a cool word compare to strong looking appearance of its characters. So it might provide negative impression to Japanese people.

It's already 2:52. The word count was around 246.