Ghost In The Shell Arise

Now, the ghost in the shell is really only a brand. Probably they want it make next Lupin the Third? However, I don't dislike this one. Major Kusanagi has more expressions, not the cool, perfect something such as production IG has usually depicted in the past. But she's still a child in this piece, at the year 2027, that setting's got provides really illogical feelings, though.

I noticed that Bateau's name spelled out Batou these days. I liked original or former spelling, "Bateau", because "Bateau" can't be used for someone who originated in Japan, so I(or we?) can presume that Bateau has foreign origin other than Japan (France or elsewhere). That gave us an impression of the hint of his complex background or complexness of the world. On the contraly, "Batou" sounds really Japanese name so he's plain Japanese man turned into Japanese officer. That's boring.