Final Fantasy XV

I've watched FF XV English dubbed trailer while I was reading Anime News Network. I strongly recommend to Square Enix that if they're planning to make really great movie scene translated to English (or other language) they should modify the movie so characters' lips sync to the language. I think especially English movie viewers really mind that lip-sync, even tongue syncs with characters' voice in some American animations. If it could be achieved, it'll really astonish world's people, true innovative technique in the content industry.

I think that lip-sync matter is one of the most difficult problem when the motion pictures tlansrated to the other languages. It's getting more aparrent when those animation becomming more 3D. If the movie was made by shooting real living world, real actors, the problem is way too far from achievable so it's out of the matter. However, if it was the case of animation movie, especially Japanese 2D anime tlanslated to English, some of them really well achieved somehow. Obiously, one of the factor of that successful tlansration in 2D anime is because their lips moves very simply. I think the challenge is laid very now what about the lip-sync in the 3D CG animation movies, isn't that achievable? So far, Walt Disney Co. couldn't achieve that goal. I want Japanese makers to become a first solver of the problem as they are big exporters of anime, games to the world.