
I missed two days consequently. That's bad. Writing something everyday is really burden if you aren't used to enough. But cut those routine is worse, so I should write somethind today again...

Though, I don't completely forget about writing. I bought the book last day titled "You can speack English if you talk about yourself." It seems like a guide book to write diary, and there are plenty of example text how to express yourself by using Enlish. Seems its difficulty level match to me, so I think it'll be good practice if I copy some of those text. However, one thing I really didn't know until I read some text, it apparently mainly targets women judgin from it's topic and unnaturally good looking women and men's portraits.

I bought new foutain pen at Maruzen in the station building. I usually use ballpoint pen while I'm at work, but for studying writing, fountain pens are more easy to write so I use disposable type of fountain pen to do writing practice until yesterday. The disposable one finally get out of ink, so I thought it's time I should buy new one. I once used fountain pen when I was a highschool kid, insidiously I lost, it was made by Platinum, so I was looking for the one made by same maker. But, in the end, I bought Pilot's Kakuno. Somehow, it has something new feeling due to its full plastic body. It looks cheap, but I liked its catch copy that like "Surely, writing'll be fun." It's exactly the sense I wanted for my study.

Ah, time is already 0:40. The word count is arount 270.