
I should write someting today, since I was truat for more than three days to update or practice this diary. Finally, the exam waits a week later. But I did afraid that if the work would be too hard to allow me to prepare the exam, and it's actually becoming too hard. It sounds lame excuse, but there is really a strong correlation between the work hours in the week and my English ability. At least, I should do the last years third exam as a practice until next week.

Last night, I went to nearby net-cafe, aiming to do studying for exam. But it ended only watching the movie for about five hours. The movie was "The Departed" starring Leonard DiCaprio. I thought it was a new movie, but it actually created around ten years ago. Unfortunately, I would totally couldn't understand the story if there's no subtitle in Japanese. All I could hear that there were the word "fucking" in every fucking sentence. Even in the middle of a fucking word, such as "Guaran-fucking-tee."

Scores of Weblio's vocabulary assessing service are also declining. The hope is getting slimmer and slimmer. The fault is all on the working hours so I couldn't secure any time to study, and it can't be helped.

Almost 50 minutes have already passed. I should stop now, and have to take a bath. The word count was 233, bit short.