
As well as last week, this week's extremely busy and I haven't been able to spare my time to study. The exam is only 3 days from now. This is really bad.

As today is Thursday, I bought the Japan News and copy its Troubleshooter column down to my note. This practice seems I can continue for a while. Today's themes were a sloppy son and about the mother-in-law. The word I learn today was "deture" or false theeth.

And, today's Thursday, so I can watch new episode of "And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online?" I think it's not illegal to watch those animes online yet, so it should safe to write here...or I shouldn't? Anyway, without that, I cannot imagine whether I can keep my English studying.

Tomorrow's the last day of the week, but unfortunately, there'll be srinking party with my colleagues in my workplace. Since I hardly can accept alcohol, I actually rather hate those parties with alcohol.

The time is 2:57. Word count was 172. Deteriorating...