

I was shut in at home whole day today, and did some experiments to get used to recent VMware. And rest I did was playing Crash of Clans, my second account got entered into a development stage to level 8, at last.It is pity that my experime…


Today, at the begining the stock market rose high and my gain rose too. The feeling was great and I busy to plan to buy new PC on the way to home from office, but in the end, it plummeted while I work at the office, and now it became unrea…


Perhaps, it isn't bad idea that I have a day for rest once a week. If it isn't bad, it should be Sunday. So, I thought I should rest to write this today. No, it is really an excuse.Since my wife felt ill whole day, most I did today was hou…

Review 2014.04.13-17

Today is a day for weekly review. Fortunately, I could continue this habit but I've really got from this is that writing 200 words every day is unberiabably hard. And I don't see writing performances are improved yet. 2014.04.13 Ukraine ca…


I forgot it. This is today's writing. Today, I read today's The Japan News and NHK Radio Business English March issue. They are both have this corner that readers can post their Japanese to English translation of subject material. Until to…


I'm at net cafe now. I couldn't believe and don't know the true reason why, but today's Tokyo stock market has skyrocketed. It looks like the world economy has gotten Ukraine case tired. By the way, my portfolio mainly consisted of Japanes…


Now, it's time to write 200 words already. Honestly, I thought I would quit this masochistic routine last week, but unfortunately, I have lot of time to keep up this at the time being.I woke up at a bit early to 12:00pm. Today, my daughter…


Today, since my daughter's fever didn't alleviate and she vomited. At the first thing in the morning I and my wife take her to a pediatrician. She was diagnosed as flu. When children got flu, then they must take a rest at home, according t…

Review 2014.04.07-09

Now, the time is 7:28am. I didn't afford writing so, I simply couldn't write last two days. Today is a day for review. 2014.04.07 Diary. The exam mensioned in this article I passed yesterday. And that exam is reason why I cannot write seve…


After all, I pulled up an all-nighter. Played Crush of Clans all time. My wife and daughter seem having bad cold today. their temperature ware above 39C degree. My wife seems she got over already, but my daughter seems sluggish. Perhaps, i…


OK, it is time to do practice. According to CNN Student News, sloth are one of the human's nature that are coded in gene.Today, I did work at home whole day, reading and responding email, loitering around web sites. And during break, check…


Today, I got up at 8am. Got off to work at 10am. came back to home at 3pm.While I ate lunch, since Japanese stock market plummeted two consecutive days, especially Softbank's and some banking company's stock price seems attractively low, I…


Today, I don't have things to write... umm. Woke up at the only little 8:00am. Brought my weeping daughter to nursery 9:00am. Be off to work at 9:30am. Killing time and reading newspaper at cafe until 10:30am. Arrived at an office at 11:00…

Review 03.29-04.06

OK, it's time to do penance. Today's work is to review my week's writings. Let's begin. EIKEN application has already began I think it's not bad idea that copying from another material. After all, I do this job on very my own. So, there ar…


Speaking of 200 words, the amount of data is more than two pieces of Japanese 400 characters manuscript paper. Thinking that way is really depressing me... Back in the day when I was a student, writing essay was a most disliked home assign…

PSYCHO-PASS season 1

http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HFC30A8/ http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HFC547A/I've just finished to watch PSYCHO-PASS season 1. It's rather a tired anime to watch at the night if you already tired from work, so it's better to say I managed to f…

2014.04.03 from recent eiken test (2013-3)

Since why I started to this practice is because I am preparing to take EIKEN test. So, I should sometime do practice from recent actual test. Incidentally, It seems there's no literaly translation of "KAKOMON(過去問)" to English.Below is m…


Work up at 8:00am. Bring my daugter to nursery at 9:00am. Today, I woke up a bit late so, gave up go to office and decided to work at home today. Did some adminisration work, prepared for the next assignment. At 12:00pm, mother-in-law came…


Today, Woke up at 7:30am. At 8:50am, bring my daugter to nursary by bicycle. Cherry blossoms are full bloom. At 12:00pm, my mother-in-law made instant noodle to me as lunch. Until 2:00pm, I loitered around the internet, did some Crush of C…


Since today is a last fiscal day of the year in Japan. So, however most sales persons had really busy day, engineer as I spent a really relaxing day today. Because the project I had participated was finished. And I don't have any next assi…


Woke up at 12:00pm. Checked around 2ch until 1:30pm, then off to take an exam at Shinjuku sta. Failed. Killing time and recollect the exam, VPN, IPAM, GlobalNames, Trust, Delegation, at cafe until my wife called at 6:30pm. Went back to hom…


http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/406218804X会社帰りに本屋に立ち寄り見つけてしまったので購入。 小説家の心構えというか、いい小説についての筒井康隆としての判断基準のようなものを列挙したという本であるが、内容としては、小説に限らず例えばビジネス用の…

EIKEN application has already began

The last article reminds me that this year's EIKEN application is already began. First of all, I have to make an application, then I have to study or be used to write some 200 words this year. I already wrote fourty words.Finally I know on…




去年あげた利益分(330万円)の損失には耐えられると高をくくっていたら、先週・今週だけで半分吹き飛んだ。これはひどい相場だな・・ 読みとして14600円で一回反発あるだろうと思いそこで全力参入してしまったのが不味かった。 この分だと来週頭に…


http://www.amazon.co.jp/The-Lord-Sands-Time-Novel/dp/1421527626五反田の古本屋を眺めに行った際、手ぶらで帰るのもなんだなあと思い手に取ったのが本書。 邦題は「時砂の王」。表紙が微妙に違う。 http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4150309043タイトルからし…